There are many different kinds of CBD concentrates and hemp extracts. BHO extracts come in many different consistencies too. This is due to different extraction material and techniques being used during the extraction process. Some may look like traditional BHO wax, while others may look glassy or saucy.
BHO with a very loose consistency is often referred to as oil. It’s only a little bit thicker than a liquid and very sticky. Slightly thick oil is called sap. Sap and oil are not as easy to work with compared to other concentrate consistencies. For this reason, they usually aren’t very popular with consumers.
BHO Budder
BHO budder has a consistency that is attained by agitating the extract during the extraction process. The name ‘budder’ was coined because of the similar consistency to actual butter. Budder often looks wet it is easily scooped and spread. Budder has no real advantages over any other type of consistency, it really all depends on preference. When using a wax pen, budder like consistencies can be easier to work with compared to something like that BHO sap or oil.
BHO Crumble
BHO crumble got its name because of its crumbly consistency that crumbles when it is handled. Some users don’t like crumble because of this, usually when scooping up crumble, a bunch of it will crumble away and break off. Crumble is generally easier to handle than saps and oils, but more difficult to handle than budder or shatter.
BHO Shatter
BHO shatter is one of the only types of hemp extracts that can be handled without using a dab tool. Even though it gets its name from the fact that it shatters like glass, you can often snap and pull pieces off from a slab of shatter and drop them in a banger with only your fingers. Some shatter is so glassy it will break and shatter into pieces that fly off when trying to use a dab tool.
BHO Live Resin
BHO Live resin extracts differ from other types of extracts because they are extracted from plant material that is cryogenically frozen immediately after harvesting and kept frozen up until the extraction process begins. This preserves terpenes and cannabinoids that are usually destroyed using traditional drying and curing methods. BHO live resin can come in many different consistencies including crystalline, sugar, shatter, sauce, and budder.
What Is BHO Wax?
Butane hash oil or BHO wax is a common form of BHO hemp extract. Butane extraction, also known as hydrocarbon extraction, is one of the most popular methods of making cannabis extracts. If you have purchased concentrates from a dispensary, there is a good chance it was extracted using butane. BHO wax is simply one type of BHO extract that is known for having a waxy consistency. High CBD BHO wax contains a full spectrum cannabinoid and terpene profile and generally has higher concentrations of CBD than other types of CBD concentrates.
If you are on the fence about using hydrocarbon extracted concentrates, you can gain some peace of mind by only purchasing them from trusted vendors like Sauce Warehouse. Sauce Warehouse works with professional extraction artists and provides 3rd party residual solvent lab results for all CBD BHO wax available on the site.
Alternatively, you can stick with solventless CBD rosin. Sauce Warehouse offers many CBD rosin concentrates and CBD rosin can even be made at home using the rosin pressing technique. CBD hash is another extract that can be easily made at home without the risks involved with butane extraction. Combining these two techniques to make homemade hash rosin is yet another option that will yield an extremely potent, connoisseur quality hemp extract.